Worhsip Leader

We are looking for a worship lead position for our 9:00am Service. This position will also be needed to lead both 9:00am & 11:00am services once a month.

  • A passion for helping our church family to grow in their relationship with Christ by leading them into a better understanding of who, how, and why we worship through song

    An ability to create vision and leadership for the Worship Team that provides volunteers a meaningful opportunity to worship through serving with the gifts and talents God has equipped them with

    A high standard of excellence for worship so the gospel may be presented clearly and unhindered

    A passion and perseverance for leading volunteers

  • Build relationships with worship team members, theologically invest into them, and actively have a pulse on the spiritual health of your volunteers

    Schedule all Worship Team volunteers and plan worship services weekly

    Prepare and execute worship on Sundays and other special programs

    Develop and train potential and current worship team members

  • This will a paid part time position.